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native flutes

I am Thomas Martin, an artist by birth, an artist by design... onetime maker of native flutes. Presently I am carving pipes, canes and walking sticks. I am inspired by ritual, nature, and find comfort in slight asymmetry, and minor imperfection.

Walk softly and do not criticze your neighbor unless you have walked a mile in his moccasins.

The Workshop

The Studio/Workshop

(Foreground) The pipe pictured was carved of White Ash as I had no briar. It has become my favorite smoker and is my “workshop pipe.” (Background) Five pipes, on the rack during the cleaning process. Behind them is the buffing wheel which in another life served as a coffee grinder in Brooklyn. To the right is a treadle lathe retrofitted with a motor which I've never employed in the pipemaking process and probably never will. 

I've gotten some good feedback about my pipes. Read what people have said. Also, the below pictured Onepiece Faux Carved Deer Antler Thumbstick (L), and the Acrylic Pipestem Cane, 7/8" diam (R) are available on request.



Thank you,
Thos. Martin, Pipemaker
Beverly, Massachusetts- USA
Phone: 978.578.7349

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