Hi. I have been making pipes both Briar and Calabash, writing for the SHPC Newsletter and enjoying the club very much. I have also been working on a private pipe related project.
I am currently re-arranging the workshop to include: A display case, a retro fridge for baccy Storage (not to be refrigerated of course). And I am repurposing the lathe to be a fulltime shaping sanding wheel as I do not use it as a lathe. The centers, dead & live, are ancient an retor fitting them with the appropriate chucks seems impossible. Any advice (beyond getting a new lathe)
A new Band saw is on the horizon as well.
I have also been busy with www.my-pipes.com where you might notice I've been quite active/vocal such that I am one of the top five contributors at the time of this entry. I am trying to "tone it down" though. Its a great pipe community. CHECK IT OUT!
REcieved an email today from my friends in S. Africa and am told to expect a letter from the farmers soon.....
I have a trip planned to visit the workshop of a prominant pipe maker on August 3rd. Very exciting.