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Shaping The Stummels
Monday, 30 October 2006
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Topic: Pipe 4: OCT06 -SOLD-

Two posts today because tommorow is Halloween and i don't think I'll get down to the shop.  

More about the hole, just when I thought it was perfect, I find it could be perfecter. I feared that I would go beyond perfect to the point where the hole went too far below the airhole. The Pimo guide says that this makes it impossible for the smoker to smoke to the bottom, thereby leaving the heel of the bowl wet and prone to souring.

It was asked of me The size of the hole, and if the stem is round or Oval. The stem is round.

      • Tobacco Hole Depth
        • 3.75cm
        • 1.5 "
      •  Tobacco Hole Width (inside of course)
        • 1.99cm
        • .75"
      • Total Length (includes stem of course)
        • 15.2cm
        • 6"
      • Height of Bowl
        • 2.3cm
        • 2.5"

So, I did make the bowl a little deeper and am glad that I asked. I am also glad I listened! I have always believed, "If its worth doing, its worth doing right." On that note, I was reading in The Pipe Companion about Danish pipemakers. It mentions that they strive to make their pipes perfect. 

Danish pipemakers do seem 100% committed to perfection, but more importantly they define perfection differently. What their definition is, I do not know. It varies from maker to maker I am sure. I think they afford themselves a different definition from pipe to pipe as well which is what makes some of their pipes masterpieces.

I see on the internet, pipemakers all over the world sitting behind bins of briar stummels which are considered "waste." I think in this industry they are referred to as firewood. I can't imagine they actually burn them. There must be a market somewhere for these "seconds?" What to they do with them?

Pipe 4 seems a little farther away from being finished than it did yesterday, but that is what pipemaking is all about. A pitfall maybe, an opportunity defineately.The shadows take away from the actual shape, and for that I appologize. But, I am sure you get the gist.

I also need to get a better representation of the lip of the bowl. As you get to the stem side of the bowl, it "unfolds" downward. The picture makes it appear as if it in fact disappears.

 I need to include pictures from the stem towards the bowl, or as I will refer to as "Point of view." (POV) Anyway, think of the cap of  the bowl as being the combination of: top of an acorn combined with a flower in bloom. The top of the bowl is the outside of the rootball, with the skin taken off with a wire brush.

On this pipe, i will stain the top of the bowl and the lip walnut. I think in future pipes I will lose the lip and probably stain the top walnut. We'll see. . . .

Posted by thos.martin at 10:26 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 26 November 2006 5:07 PM EST

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