Topic: C 63230
Its an attitude.... I decided that the classics are harder than freehands so I stick with 'em for a while. The next pipe will most likely be a freehand but I am feeling a bit "out of control" in my life, and to do something structured reins me in. When I feel reconciled, I can better create.
705 is started, as a reminder of our roots; the billiard. Yes, the billiard. The billiard to me when not massed produced, but made by an artisan, is a thing of subtle beauty.
2007-01-25 // 20:35:51 So far the holes (or as I like to call the negative spaces,) are "spot on." Stay tuned.
NOTE: This pipe did not end up as a billiard. It took on a less structured, more "organic" look.